Monday, July 14, 2008

Gloria's New Blog

Hi friends....

Four weeks from today is the day I leave for Africa for 2 months! I will be making my second trip there to visit my kids who are missionaries in Tanzania. I was there for 5 weeks in 2006 and fell in love with the country. This time I will be helping my children, Mike and Lynn Caraway, take care of little orphan children. They take little ones from an orphanage into their home to give them extra care, love and attention. They are special needs babies who would probably die if they didn't get this specialized care. It will be so rewarding!

I'm looking forward to seeing the kids, but also to renew friendships with many of the Africans I the other missionaries who are there. I will appreciate your prayers! It's quite an adventure for this 75 year ole lady!!!

I'll post when I'm able, but it won't be too often because it's impossible to get on the Internet in Mumba. The kids live a good two day trip inland from the coast....and it's about 6500 ft in the mountains. So I need to take some warm duds! We drive through a game park on the way so it's always interesting to see the wild animals!

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